Typical DE 600 Uses


Potential applications include:  cetacean research, whale watching, whale and dolphin location, habitat and environmental monitoring, education and tourism, security.  For example:


Whether researching, or watching, it can be difficult to locate whales and dolphins especially when the sea is something other than flat calm.  This leads to great inefficiency and wasted time. A series of wireless DolphinEAR hydrophones in key locations lets you find cetaceans quickly – giving you more on-site time.


Wireless DolphinEAR hydrophones lets you monitor cetacean and other activity 24 hours a day if necessary. Your listening station is always available.  Set up listening posts along a coast or concentrate them in a single bay. For researchers studying fish sounds, it allows you to monitor spawning grounds day and night.


Locate whales and dolphins quickly without wasting your time and upsetting guests.  Not only can you locate whales, but you can connect your personal mobile telephone to your boat’s speaker system so all of your passengers can listen while en route to the viewing site. It fits in perfectly with naturalist lectures along the way. Once on-site, you can continue using the DE600 to listen to acoustic activity while whales are diving and out of sight.


Monitor habitats and restricted areas for fish activity and intruding boats of all sizes.  In areas where nets are used to protect beaches from sharks, DolphinEar remote lets you check ‘underwater pingers’ that warn dolphins of net dangers. In areas where there are threatened species (for example, manatees in Florida), excessive boat traffic in protected areas can be remotely detected.


Check levels of underwater noise pollution along an entire coastline in a matter of a few minutes from your office.


Many places in the world specialize in coastal whale-watching from seaside cliffs. Coin operated telescopes provide a close-up view of migrating whales.  Now, wireless DolphinEar hydrophones can also let viewers HEAR the whales as well!   If you are a restaurateur, you might use the DolphinEar remote to pipe in ‘live whale songs’ for the luncheon or dinner crowds.


Monitor popular dive sites for emergency pingers. The DE600 can be accessed by a mobile telephone on the dive boat or even in a dinghy.


If you have a multi-channel sound card in your computer, you can monitor many DE600 channels at once – a feature that lets you design and build a realtime triangulation and tracking system.

At this point, you are probably thinking far ahead of us and can add your own applications to this ever growing list of uses for the DE600.