Land Based Applications

Land Based Applications:

There are probably as many land based applications for a DolphinEar hydrophone as there are water based uses. Below are a few examples. You can find more as you browse the ‘Applications’ section.  Our Tech Support group is always happy to help and advise. Simply contact us via e-mail with a description of what you want to do.


Whether it’s perimeter or gate security, or monitoring a swimming pool in the dead of night someone is using a DolphinEar right now to solve a problem. So if you are charged with keeping out intruders or preventing accidents then look at some unique solutions using our DolphinEar hydrophones.



Often we are amazed at some of the applications our clients cook up. Like burying a DolphinEar under a cricket stump to broadcast the sound of a wicket falling. Or, listening to ants maintaining their nests deep in the forest in mid winter. Or, measuring the tar and nicotine content of tobacco produced by a shisha waterpipe by measuring the bubble frequency and density with a DolphinEar and the spectrogram software. Or, listening for Fracking explosions!


Climate. Permafrost. Methane. These are three words that we will be hearing more and more. Followed by the phrase Tipping Point. Here is an extract from an e-mail we received recently:

“Imagine you are sailing the seas in a wooden boat. You are in mid-ocean, hundreds or thousands of miles from the nearest land. All seems well. The weather is perfect. The future looks bright. You become aware that there are a few small drips of water in places where there should be none. No worries. Over the next few days you see a few more, albeit larger. Puddles now. It’s not much, so no concern. Before the week is over you find two small leaks, followed quickly by more. The realisation hits – your hull is failing. Your entire world – the boat which keeps you safe is in serious danger. The problem gets worse; it becomes uncontrollable; until finally … “

We are in that situation now. Planet Earth is nearing a tipping point. We know the climate is warming. Temperatures in the Arctic are already 6C to 9C warmer than they had been for a few hundred thousand years. The permafrost – the frozen ground above the arctic circle is thawing. As it does it releases vast quantities of methane and CO2 – the decomposed remains of plant and animal life from eons past. Methane is 23 times more potent than CO2 as a green house gas. It will accelerate climate change. And once we reach the tipping point, just like our leaking boat, it will be beyond our ability as a species to control it.

We can see the tundra turning green as the photo on the right shows. Elsewhere on this website you can read and listen to methane bubbling up from the sand of a beach in the United Kingdom. DolphinEar is being used to monitor this. Soon we may see a network of simple and cheap monitoring stations using it to listen for early telltale signs of methane leaks. We must act quickly.